— Warren W. Wiersbe
Read Psalm 53:1-6
This psalm describes the atheist
and gives eight reasons why he is a fool. First, he does not acknowledge God
(v. 1). He lives as if there is no God. He does not obey God (v. 1). Some
people think that human nature is basically kind and good. Not so. We are
abominably corrupt by nature (Rom. 3:9). He does not understand God (v. 2). If
you don't have the Spirit of God, you can't understand the things of God.
Atheists say they won't accept anything they can't understand. Actually, there
is little in the world they do understand!
The fool does not seek God (v.
2). No one by himself seeks God and comes to know Him. God invites us to seek
Him, and He has mercy on us. He does not follow God's way (v. 3). God has
ordained the right path for us. Being a Christian is not easy, and many people
do not want to pay the price. The narrow road leads to life and is tough; the
broad road is the easy way until the end (Matt. 7:13,14).

God's people have a future of
eternal life. However, anyone who professes to be a Christian, but lives like
an atheist also is a fool. May Jesus, help us to acknowledge the goodness,
greatness and majesty of Almighty God.
The atheist lives as if there is
no God. You, as God's child, eagerly await eternal life. However, if you fail
to walk with the Lord, you behave as a fool. Lay hold of your spiritual
resources in Christ and hope in Him.
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(An adaptation from the book
“Prayer, Praise and Promises” A Back to the Bible Publication, Few copies of this devotional book is now available with Back to the Bible Head Qts. for a reasonable donation. Please contact:@ OR or by Telephone 040 27796353)
Source: Back to the Bible Intl.
Picture Credit: Google.
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