How To Begin And End Each Day
W Wiersbe
The book cover page |
David wrote this
psalm when he fled from Saul into a cave.
He records one day’s experience and gives advice on how to live our
lives. First, close each day in prayer
(vv.1-4). Take all your concerns to
God. When you start trusting Him, He
changes you, and you see your surroundings in a new way. By faith you enter
into His presence. Storms don’t last
forever, but when they come, God will take care of your problems. He performs and perfects all things for you.
Second, open
each day with praise (vv. 5-8). While
David was sleeping, God was working for him.
When he awoke, David wanted God to have all the glory and wanted to tell
the world what He had done for him. God
answers prayer, and whatever He does is for your good and His glory. Calamities pass, so praise God for seeing you
through them.
Lock up each day
with prayer and unlock each day with praise.
Praise is great medicine and will take all bitterness, envy, jealousy
and unrest out of your life.
The Author with his wife. |
When you are in
a tight place, your great concern should not be how you can get out of it but
how God will be glorified because of it.
Do you find yourself simply enduring difficulties instead of using them
to help yourself grow? Try closing each
day in prayer and opening each day with praise. Give God an opportunity to
accomplish His purposes in your life.
The writer is a former Director of Back to the Bible Intl. The above write-up is an adaptation from his book "Prayer Praise & Promises. This 365 pages book is now available with Back to the Bible India Office for a donation of Rs. 150/- (including packing and postage)
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